Meet Lana Bird, a Yoga and Tai Chi teacher based in West Chester, PA, who received the ERYT-500 credential from Yoga Alliance and the Associate Instructor certification from American Tai Chi & Qigong Association (ATCQA).

Teaching Tai Chi – A Natural Extension for A Yoga Teacher

Like many Yoga teachers, Lana has become deeply committed to guiding her students through mindful movement and breathwork in her journey to reach the ERYT-500 credential.

But Lana’s career growth didn’t stop at Yoga.

One pivotal day, Lana was approached by the owner of a local fitness studio who asked her if she would be interested in teaching Tai Chi. Lana had already fallen in love with Tai Chi after her first experience in 2016, and this offer felt like the perfect opportunity.

Drawing on her teaching experience in Yoga, Lana found Tai Chi a natural extension of her class offerings, because to her, “there are much more similarities than differences” between the two ancient mind-body exercises!

Both are –

  • mindful movement and mindful breathing 
  • ancient practices tested by time 
  • beneficial to physical and mental health
  • building confidence and balance from inside out
  • providing social support 
  • enriching spiritual life 

The list could go on and on.

Broaden Your Practice, Grow Your Business

Today, Lana teaches 4-5 Tai Chi classes a week.

She believes that Tai Chi offers a new dimension of career to Yoga teachers. It helps attract a wider audience, retain students, and expand business opportunities whole also enriching their students’ experiences.

“Many yoga practitioners in my classes began taking Tai Chi classes and vice versa.  I am constantly sharing my teaching insights with both yoga and tai chi groups.  I think it helps them to understand their experience better.”

Get A Solid Start from the ATCQA Certification

Lana thinks that the certification from American Tai Chi & Qigong Association (ATCQA) gives her “more credibility with students and potential students.”

Another reason for getting certified by ATCQA? “ATCQA has good educational resources, similar to Yoga Alliance.”

Join Us and Expand Your Teaching Today

Learn more about why Yoga teachers should consider expanding their business by adding Tai Chi or start your expansion today with our online classes accredited ATCQA!