Step Into Tai Chi – Course #2

Course Information

Estimated Time: 120 minutes

Difficulty: Beginner


Instructor: Peter Hodes, Master Instructor certified by American Tai Chi & Qigong Association.

Assignments: Practice what you learned from this course for 30-60 minutes a day, at least 3 days a week.

Descriptions of the Lessons

Lesson #3: Ward-Off – This third class will introduce the next two postures: Ward-off Left and then Ward-off Right. There will be time to practice the combination of these two new moves with the three postures from lesson #2.

Lesson #4: Rollback and Press – This fourth class will teach the next two postures of the ‘Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail’ sequence. Practice will now include these first seven postures of this Form.

Lesson #5: Push – This fifth class will instruct the last motion for Grasp Sparrow Tail – Push. Additional time for practicing the entire sequence of eight (8) postures.

Lesson #6: Grasp Sparrow’s Tail Integration – This sixth class will bring all of these moves together and instruct on the flow of transitions between postures.

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